Small Update: Sprint 1 has begun! 08-02-2018 to 08-09-2018

Busy week at work!

I have completed organizing my Trello page to be in line with my agile development goals. What this means is that I am going to attempt to be totally transparent with what is actually getting done on a weekly (mostly bi-weekly) basis.

Every two weeks I am going to select a set of features that are going to be worked on. My goal is to have those features finished and tested by the end of the two-week mark. This progress can be tracked already by visiting the Trello page and looking through the cards from "Sprint Log" to "Done".

Anything that is currently in the sprint will need to be completed by the end of the time period. I have cut this first sprint short since I was already working on most of these features before I had put a consistent system in place.

As always, the Trello page can be located on the sidebar to the left of this post or at the end of this post

So your information. Sprint 1 has been begun and will conclude on 08/09/2018.

If you are curious as to why the cards are worded the way they are, take a look here

Acteaus Development Trello


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